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castellan Offline
#41 Posted : Wednesday, 11 August 2021 12:23:45 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Dr Terry Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: castellan Go to Quoted Post

I am not scared of dying at all, in fact I want to get off this world I have had enough, back in the days busses their was a rope that you would yank on that the bus would stop and let you off remember, well that's me, but it's Stop this world, I want to get off the bastard because I despise what it's becoming, it's a fucking joke how the world has become brain washed new age tossers, the shit that I hear young people claim is totally delusional, They are going to make a new world based on just total shit, I am sure they are on drugs, they are flat out making their own bed. Communism will take care of them, they will need it ! because they can not think for themselves past the present. They are only indoctrinated dupes, that's the what they call the education system, well it's the indoctrination system in fact churning out indoctrinated trash.

I have a brother in law who is a 63yo primary school teacher with 40 years or so experience in the system, I said do you think that their could be any improvement in the system, well he turned to me directly and started swearing about such full on and fell out of his chair for a start. but I am just keeping it short and sweet what he really thinks. haha.

I realise that it's a change of topic, but don't start me on the education system. I'm not sure what other states are like, but in NSW it has been 'watered down' so much over the decades that they're turning out kids who are not ready for the real world. All we are getting nowadays is an expensive child minding service !!

What happened to the "three Rs" & a bit of basic history & geography.

Rant over.

Dr Terry

My nipper became the Dux of the school by far over the next person in line. went to Catholic schooling all the way as I wanted some say in such and not just toss such in a State School system of Socialist degenerate muck like I was.

Ok some of the teachers were fine but some others were trash that I would not piss on if they were on fire.
I would fire up on them even as a child, in grade 6 in a history lesson I pointed out that he was wrong and they did not take kindly to that at all and you know what he said, he did not care for the truth but only for what was on the paper and the results with the kids marks.
I was ready to walk out the door and never set foot back in that school, but I was backed up by 5 others in the class that I was right on the History point made and then he calmed down. I was just about to say, I am going to get my Grand Father and he will come down and punch out your lights.
Not to mention that I did like that teacher personally, he was alright but just a typical Socialist brainwashed type.

The last 2 1/2 years of my nippers school was run by a total fool and a moron, it was a horror show, my wife worked for the school to help them out and found out that this Principle knew nothing at all, she was just a public relations officer and legal eagle placed in the school that know how to fuck over anyone making claims on the school in any regards child molesters and all. it knew nothing of the religion at all but informed me that the new Priest was helping it. the Priest knew f all and was spinning total shit, that would of got he tossed out on the street years ago, the Priest before him was fine bloke. but this bloke I called him out on his crap and he took offence at me, I did not hammer him as I put such forward nicely to him. happens that my nipper toped the class in Religion by far as well and he stormed off when that was read out.
AC Offline
#42 Posted : Wednesday, 11 August 2021 2:50:45 PM(UTC)

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Some people cannot make sense of events such as the COVID pandemic and turn to conspiracy theories in order to resolve conflict in their own minds. COVID-19 is real and has a high morbidity and mortality. For those who do not want a vaccine, I do not wish it upon you, but the COVID-19 virus will eventually come to you and it will not always be kind.
The media put out by the non-believers would be funny if it was not so serious an issue. They use pseudo-scientific terms to sound credible but their lack of physiological or scientific knowledge is plain to see.
Smitty2 Offline
#43 Posted : Wednesday, 11 August 2021 3:08:42 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: HK1837 Go to Quoted Post
Alan Jones isn’t mainstream! He’s a right wing nutter like those other idiots Bolt and Credlin. They are no better than their polar opposite left wing nutters.

while I agree totally with you, the problem is that, yes... nutters like Jones Bolt, Credlin. Paleo Pete ( and I will include Christiansen) have very large followings on social media.

Whilst I am of the 'do NOT believe everything you read on the interweb and social book' philosophy, people like Jones (who had a huge radio following base in Sydney when he was on air, biggest in Oz)
can say .. black is white and people (yes adults of sound mind) AUTOMATICALLY believe what he just said.
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HK1837 Offline
#44 Posted : Wednesday, 11 August 2021 3:43:00 PM(UTC)

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Yes, but those same people are also going to believe rubbish on social media. When I was talking about mainstream media I meant more actually watching State press conferences rather than reading or hearing it 2nd hand. When you watch any of the conferences you can tell by the questions asked which are the nutter journalists simply looking for sound grabs or trying to be smart arses. I’d be clocking some of them if I was the State Premier or State Health rep. Sometimes it’s obvious it’s some moron planted there by the Opposition to derail the message.

Edited by user Wednesday, 11 August 2021 3:45:54 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
wbute Offline
#45 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 5:56:57 AM(UTC)

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It’s such a load of crap. Dubbo in lockdown. I was in Dubbo yesterday so now I am in lockdown, which means that my son can still go to school and I can still go to town for farm supplies. I can also still go to work as it’s considered an essential service.
Who makes this crap up? Lockdown but we can still mix in large groups of people?
You can not stop a virus spreading like this. If you could we would have eliminated all airborne disease years ago.
As for this patient zero crap, when the virus flew here (but the flu stayed behind by some miracle) where did the person who brought the bug with them go and why were we never told who it was? It was clearly someone above the average level as they were being picked up from the airport in a limo. We heard all the garbage about the limo driver but never a squeak about the person who gave it to him.
Does no one question this stuff?
There was a death from Covid the other day. They normally tell us they are not vaccinated, there was mysteriously no mention of the vaccination status.
Did anyone else read the story in the Telegraph quoting the scientist from the Wuhan lab? She claimed the virus will mutate into something 600 times more contagious and vaccine will have no effect.
wbute Offline
#46 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 6:21:18 AM(UTC)

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While we are on the flu thing, apparently it needs to travel from country to country to continually mutate. Then we get the updated “vaccine” from its previous host country. Now that it no longer travels because we all wash our hands and wear masks it stands to reason that it will be officially eliminated now?
That raises another ugly question, why do we need to update the flu vaccine every year because of virus’s mutations, yet we don’t for Covid?
I stress that I am not an antivaxer, I and all my children are fully vaccinated. I am just undecided on the Covid vaccine. I may or may not get it.

Edited by user Thursday, 12 August 2021 6:24:01 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

HK1837 Offline
#47 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 8:31:48 AM(UTC)

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The next lot of Covid vaccines are happening, based upon subsequent strains. It will behave much like the flu over the years, will always be around and will probably require annual vaccines like the flu. Proper Doctors and Scientists (not fake social media ones) tell us that normally viruses do mutate to become more transmissible but less deadly. The one that causes Covid-19 may or may not follow suit.
If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
wbute Offline
#48 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 9:21:53 AM(UTC)

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It’s such a difficult thing. I try not to get swept up in the misinformation (and it does come from all sources, government and scientists included, science is a thing that constantly evolved and therefore many mistakes and false predictions occur) everywhere.
If this virus evolves as quickly as it appears, there is no chance of ever keeping up with vaccines. There is also absolutely no chance of locking people away forever. Life must go on.
One way or another we have to learn to live with it. I doubt the vaccine will have any more effect than the flu vaccine in the long run as this virus appears to move more quickly. That does not make me an anti vaccine scare monger. I am a realist. I vaccinate my cattle for leptospirosis to protect myself and everyone else. Lepto is a zoonotic disease that everyone can catch as well. The way you can catch it is from your dogs. If you don’t wash your hands after handling them, you are at risk of catching it. Yet I bet many who claim to be on top of washing their hands to stop Covid don’t pay the same regard to their own and others health by not having dogs in the house and being particular about hygiene around them.
I guess ultimately I get sick of all the hypocritical opinions on this Covid virus when people base all their knowledge on others opinions, be it from social media, the media or government spokesman.
HK1837 Offline
#49 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 10:28:54 AM(UTC)

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That's the thing, ignore the opinions and listen to what the State and Federal Medical chiefs are telling you. Then there is no confusion!

The reason this SARS virus is so virulent is most people in the world have no immunity to it as they have never encountered anything like it. Once you have some immunity you will be in general less affected by it and future mutations. Exactly the same as the annual flu. If any of us were to jump into a time machine and walk into un-colonised continents like Australia and North America 200-300 years ago, carrying with us the modern flu virus we would probably see it devastate those native local populations like this virus is doing now. This happened on both continents with the Smallpox virus.

The idea of the vaccine is to introduce a certain (and inert) aspect of the virus to your body so your body sees it as an invader and develops antibodies to it. So that when you are eventually exposed to the real virus (which every single Australian will be after a certain vaccination % is reached) your immune system acts quickly rather than having no idea what’s going on. The idea with annual flu vaccination is it gives you some immunity from the most recent mutations of the flu, from the Northern Hemisphere winter. Most people will have some immunity from prior mutations but it gives you a head start so at worst you get a bad cold rather than spending days in bed or dying which can easily happen with the elderly. The Covid vaccines will be basically the same.
This isn’t rocket science, it is high school biology!

Edited by user Thursday, 12 August 2021 10:45:01 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
Sandaro Offline
#50 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 11:38:33 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wbute Go to Quoted Post
It’s such a load of crap. Dubbo in lockdown. I was in Dubbo yesterday so now I am in lockdown, which means that my son can still go to school and I can still go to town for farm supplies. I can also still go to work as it’s considered an essential service.
Who makes this crap up? Lockdown but we can still mix in large groups of people?
You can not stop a virus spreading like this. If you could we would have eliminated all airborne disease years ago.
As for this patient zero crap, when the virus flew here (but the flu stayed behind by some miracle) where did the person who brought the bug with them go and why were we never told who it was? It was clearly someone above the average level as they were being picked up from the airport in a limo. We heard all the garbage about the limo driver but never a squeak about the person who gave it to him.
Does no one question this stuff?
There was a death from Covid the other day. They normally tell us they are not vaccinated, there was mysteriously no mention of the vaccination status.
Did anyone else read the story in the Telegraph quoting the scientist from the Wuhan lab? She claimed the virus will mutate into something 600 times more contagious and vaccine will have no effect.

The Government has been and continues to be criticized for the 'mockdown' that is clearly not working. NSW really should have looked at the hard VIC model very early on, but NSW really was trying too hard not to put people out of work, but should have (in hindsight) done that for a few weeks instead of half hearted measures that still put people out of work, but longer

It is well publicised that Limo driver was contracted to transport international flight crew between the airport and hotel quarantine. And the system has been questioned why you would trust a muppett who didn't even wear a mask to do this job!

NSW Health announced today that a man in his 90s with both doses died. I don't think there is any cover up. Vaccines aren't 100%. They have never said they are. Is about reducing risk. In an ideal world if you could have the physical capability to give everyone the vaccine instantly, you would wipe it out because the percentage of those who would still get covid would be less than the reproduction rate to get out of control in the community.

HK1837 Offline
#51 Posted : Thursday, 12 August 2021 12:03:53 PM(UTC)

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They also haven’t said when the poor guy in his 90’s that died had his second dose. Unfortunately anyone in their 90’s is running on borrowed time, with most organs not functioning optimally. A big shock to the system can see catastrophic failure across the board. That is why a bad dose of the flu or a fall can be a death sentence. When my old Doberman left us, he was near to 11 but functioning OK. Fell in the pool and was there for not sure how long. He never really recovered and stuff started to fail, he died a few weeks later.
If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
wbute Offline
#52 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 12:44:05 PM(UTC)

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909 people died from Covid in Australia in 2020.
847 people died from the flu in Australia in 2019.
Was anyone in 2019 running around claiming we had a pandemic in 2019? Why didn’t we have a lockdown?
Good to see we are all keeping it in perspective. No one gave a shit about the 847 people that died of the flu, never ever gave it a thought. However when it’s rammed in our faces via the media we suddenly all jump on the bandwagon.

Edited by user Friday, 13 August 2021 12:47:00 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

HK1837 Offline
#53 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 3:02:47 PM(UTC)

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You can’t compare the two. That is 847 with normal life. If we’d gone on with Covid without restrictions we’d be in the 10’s of thousands dead from Covid. Have a look at how many have died from the flu with Covid restrictions, almost none.
If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
Balfizar Offline
#54 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 6:12:22 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Dr Terry Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: wbute Go to Quoted Post
That’s not correct. No one washed there hands and next to no one wears a mask correctly or even use a mask that works. If it was possible to control an airborne virus by isolated, most viruses would have been eliminated years ago.

What do you mean "no one washed their hands". Everywhere I go there is a pump bottle of antiseptic hand wash on the counter or at the entrance & you see plenty of people (including me) use it. Also even a badly worn mask is way better than no mask at all.

Are you saying that the 5 people who died at Liverpool hospital (SW Sydney !!) is just the flu ?

I agree with HK1837 here, the media are just reporting on what the Govt are saying. There isn't too much sensationalism coming out of the mainstream media.

The same cannot be said of social media, with all this anti-vax & control conspiracy nonsense.

Most of us over 60 can remember the 1950s with polio, small-pox, diphtheria, hooping cough etc. etc. vaccines have successfully wiped most of it out.

Dr Terry

I remember getting the Sabin Oral vaccine and going to school with kids in my class with Polio (scary)
I also remember my Grandmother (born 1905) telling me about her mother taking her to the Sydney Showground in 1918
to look amongst the dead bodies laid out on the grass for her Brother (Uncle) because he could not be found.
She could not see the grass for all the bodies 3 days they laid there then buried in a mass grave.
There wasn't any social media nutters, anti-vaxers, media clowns or political F-W then.

To coin a phrase (CPDD) Cognitive Process Deficit Disorder - where those faced with information true and false cannot remotely discern the truth.
Based on trust issues and inability to process logic, they opt for confirmation bias dominated by fear/comfort outcome.

Albert Einstein:- There are two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the first.

Issac Asimov:- (it should have been quoted by Dr Fauci) “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”

Another classic:- "you can't educate mugs" Had to be an Aussie that said that!

If you can't help, educate or save for the sake of humanity then all you can hope for is that those that deserve it get a Darwin award.

Darwin award:- The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor. They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool by dying or becoming sterilized via their own actions (or inactions).

Unfortunately on the way out they will take a lot of us with them.

Edited by user Friday, 13 August 2021 7:50:50 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Balfizar Offline
#55 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 6:30:59 PM(UTC)

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Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate Mon 17 Feb 1919 Page 4 THE PANDEMIC.

Oh the Irony.

While interstate disputes are to be deprecated, that which is now taking place between Victoria and New South
Wales has been forced upon the latter State, and the plain and strong language in which Mr. Fuller, the Acting
Premier, has worded his reply to the sister State, is justified by the circum stances. Victoria unquestionably failed
to give effect to the essence of the agreement arrived at in December by the Medical Conference, and it may
also be said that the Federal Governent failed, in that it did not at first rise to the necessities of the case. To
urge that it waited for official advice from Victoria is not a satisfactory reply. Conditions in Melbourne were
matters of public property, and the Federal health authorities cannot have been ignorant of them. Now that difficulties
occasioned by the clash of authorities are materially diminished, the matter is no longer as serious as at first. But there is still
noticeable in Victoria a disinclination to follow New South Wales in taking all precautions. While the use of masks is a matter of controversy,
there is the fact that the bulk of medical opinion supports it. And there is the fact that thus far the pandemic is being fairly held in Sydney, while in
Melbourne the daily list of cases and of deaths is high. As evidence of the singular disinclination in Victoria to
treat the disease as seriously as it should be may be cited the difference in the action of commercial firms in
that State and in New South Wales. There has been an outcry from country districts in both States against the
regular visits of metropolitan commercial travellers. It is purely a matter of precaution, and is accepted as such in
this State, where the large firms indicate that their travellers will remain in the country. In Victoria, however,
although the outbreak in Melbourne is far more serious than in Sydney, it is held that there is no reason for cur
tailing the activity of the travellers. This decision may or may not prove of consequence. But it is an exemplifica
tion of the difference in the attitude' of the two States. The importance of the methods or lack of method followed in Victoria to
fight the disease is that until the neighbouring State becomes clean again it can hardly be hoped that New South Wales will be freed
from pneumonic influenza in its epidemic form. The precautions being taken in New South Wales are preventing its spread, and it may
be hoped will continue to do so, but the chances of infection from Victoria must continue. Hence the fact that the epidemic is spreading
to many parts of that State is a matter of concern to New South Wales as well as to other dominions. With the regrettable experiences of New Zealand
before their eyes, New South Wales extacted wisely and determinedly. Even assuming that in some instances its precautions might be deemed scarcely
necessary, the error, if any, was on the right side. Victoria at first refused to take any steps, with the result
of the present visitation of disease with its daily list of victims. There should be absolute interstate and
Federal co-operation in the effort to stamp out the pandemic, and this ought still to be brought about.
wbute Offline
#56 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 8:24:44 PM(UTC)

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Look it’s everywhere now. All across NSW. These measures were never going to stop it. There won’t be tens of thousands dead. Next to no one who gets tested actually has it.
HK1837 Offline
#57 Posted : Friday, 13 August 2021 8:39:57 PM(UTC)

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It isn’t everywhere as sensible people are staying apart. It is highly infectious. If things were back to normal there would be thousands of cases daily and large amounts of deaths. Just look at other places with low vaccination rates and Delta. India, Texas, Florida etc. if it was anything other than exactly what it is Governments wouldn’t be reacting like they are.
If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
 1 user thanked HK1837 for this useful post.
AC on 14/08/2021(UTC)
wbute Offline
#58 Posted : Saturday, 14 August 2021 6:50:59 AM(UTC)

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It’s spread from Sydney to Broken Hilll. It can’t go any further.
HK1837 Offline
#59 Posted : Saturday, 14 August 2021 7:17:46 AM(UTC)

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Yes, but due to restrictions it’s spread to the population is very much inhibited. It is only being spread by selfish morons or by sheer bad luck. Without restrictions it would be like a wind driven bushfire on a 42deg day. Just look at what happened in India.
If we all had the same (good) taste, who would buy all the Fords?
wbute Offline
#60 Posted : Saturday, 14 August 2021 7:59:06 AM(UTC)

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It’s a joke. We have had blokes who live in Sydney, driving and staying in Mudgee to do their swing at work. Not sure they are selfish and stupid, they are told that it’s ok because mining coal to keep the power on is essential. However, they have not reinstated temperature checks at work and you don’t even need to prove you are negative before you attend work. There is no lockdown in NSW and there has never been one. People are allowed to go about essential business, I am a farmer and coal miner, it has not had any sort of effect on my day to day business at all. That does not make me selfish, I am following rules as set out.
You can not stop the spread with hand sanitizer, poorly fitting masks that are not fit for purpose and by pointing your phone at a QR code.
There are big killers in Australia, Covid is not one of them, not as it sits today. If it actually mutates into a deadly pandemic rather that just a contagious one, then we are in trouble.
This virus is proving one thing, when a deadly pandemic occurs, it will wipe out huge numbers in no time at all.
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