Originally Posted by: Dr Terry 
Originally Posted by: wbute 
That’s not correct. No one washed there hands and next to no one wears a mask correctly or even use a mask that works. If it was possible to control an airborne virus by isolated, most viruses would have been eliminated years ago.
What do you mean "no one washed their hands". Everywhere I go there is a pump bottle of antiseptic hand wash on the counter or at the entrance & you see plenty of people (including me) use it. Also even a badly worn mask is way better than no mask at all.
Are you saying that the 5 people who died at Liverpool hospital (SW Sydney !!) is just the flu ?
I agree with HK1837 here, the media are just reporting on what the Govt are saying. There isn't too much sensationalism coming out of the mainstream media.
The same cannot be said of social media, with all this anti-vax & control conspiracy nonsense.
Most of us over 60 can remember the 1950s with polio, small-pox, diphtheria, hooping cough etc. etc. vaccines have successfully wiped most of it out.
Dr Terry
I remember getting the Sabin Oral vaccine and going to school with kids in my class with Polio (scary)
I also remember my Grandmother (born 1905) telling me about her mother taking her to the Sydney Showground in 1918
to look amongst the dead bodies laid out on the grass for her Brother (Uncle) because he could not be found.
She could not see the grass for all the bodies 3 days they laid there then buried in a mass grave.
There wasn't any social media nutters, anti-vaxers, media clowns or political F-W then.
To coin a phrase (CPDD) Cognitive Process Deficit Disorder - where those faced with information true and false cannot remotely discern the truth.
Based on trust issues and inability to process logic, they opt for confirmation bias dominated by fear/comfort outcome.
Albert Einstein:- There are two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the first.
Issac Asimov:- (it should have been quoted by Dr Fauci) “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
Another classic:- "you can't educate mugs" Had to be an Aussie that said that!
If you can't help, educate or save for the sake of humanity then all you can hope for is that those that deserve it get a Darwin award.
Darwin award:- The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor. They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool by dying or becoming sterilized via their own actions (or inactions).
Unfortunately on the way out they will take a lot of us with them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWI0YiSmTKsEdited by user Friday, 13 August 2021 7:50:50 PM(UTC)
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