Hey everyone. My name is Tom and I just want to let everyone know
about this product that I am helping promote. Its called ColorStorm
and its an under-body lighting system for your car that changes colors
AND it is sound reactive. This product has been on "Pimp My Ride" as
well as being featured at Hot Import Nights. This kit can produce 16
MILLION different colors, and has a ton of settings. It also has this
thing you put in the car that lets you know what color you’re at and it
kind of lights up your interior as well. You can get this thing at
https://www.streetfxseries.com/.From there, go to their “ColorStorm Products” link and you’ll find it
in there. They also they got all sorts of other **** for your car AND
motorcycle if you like that too. So I just thought I’d fill everybody
in on this great product. Check it out!!!
Not only that but since I am helping promote this new product I have
a coupon code to give anyone who uses it a 10% discount on
their ENTIRE purchase!!! Just type “thestorm” in the discount box when
you are ready to order. I hope you guys like this stuff as much as I