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castellan Offline
#21 Posted : Saturday, 18 February 2017 4:08:09 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Premier 350 Go to Quoted Post
Queen Elizabeth is the not the head of of the church here in Australia. In her role as Queen of England, she is the head of the Church of England.
As Queen of Australia, she is not,since Australia has no state religion.

Churchill not angling for war. Not being an appeaser like many British politicans of the time did not make him a war monger.

As for the Nationals being more corrupt after that bent, corrupt, and bitter 'Sir' Joh left( I raised a glass that day).No. In the times they have been back in power, never have they had four ministers under one premier do jail time for being corrupt.

Re Slavic people, I have no opinion either way.
As for the devil leading people astray, that is just a rehash of the old "the devil made me do it" lie.

I know right from wrong, I don't need to fear the wrath of an imaginary god/allah/jesus/ invisible big sky daddy to be a decent person. If someone needs the fear of eternal damnation to be be a good person, it doesn't say much for that person.

It was a Christian Nation.

The King of England said that his initials WC was appropriate.
I have admiration for some things about Churchill, but he did a lot of evil things as well, very cunning but that's the game of politics for you, only got Millions killed and England was roo ted.

1968 to 1988 you are talking about and if we had a witch hunt conducted like they did on Sir Joh you would see many fall, bloody hell I know of a lot of QLD ALP who have got off the hook for child molesting and outright criminal activity all covered over and P Beatoff was a clown with his best mate Springbag in cahoots with him and poor A Blight having to fix the mess of the Beatoff years he left us in, do nothing Beatoff but sell Ice to Eskimos that means he is a con man, it's not a good thing at all, but the spin doctors made it sound good to fools.

Old Sir Joh was not corrupt and they found nothing on him at all and that's a fact, the media did not know about the whore houses, so how would a old man like Joh know about them, he were against such things, but we know such things go on.
I agree Joh was to old to be Primer in the last term and I did not vote for him.
He was against the Casinos but was over ruled on that, not to mention Casinos are a like shit fly criminal corruption on a platter and cause hell for a lot of people and I seen that ALP moron who became Premier come out bagging Joh for that years later as well, but some of us do remember what Joh said about it all and it was that idiot who attacked Joh full on back in the day to have it.
wannabe51 Offline
#22 Posted : Saturday, 18 February 2017 7:50:34 PM(UTC)

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Hey, I have looked up information about Jesus Christ, and from what I have read, it seems as though he was a good bloke.
They reckon he was a kind, gentle, tolerant, forgiving and compassionate fellow
It seems some of the stuff he was talking to people about was about accepting people as they are, showing tolerance to other people and their opinions, even if you did not agree with them.

By reading the stuff you write and the things you say about people you sound to to me like you are a very tolerant person at all.

In every blog you write, you always make mention of the Nazis, why is this? What is your obsession with Nazism? You also are continually making grand statements about how Satan works through PC.

Another question for you is: "what are you personally not allowed to do or say as a result of political correctness?"

Just tell me what freedom you have lost?

The only view I can take after my research into Jesus Christ, is, that the things you say are definitely not those of a contented person and definitely not a Christian!
castellan Offline
#23 Posted : Sunday, 19 February 2017 11:34:27 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Hey, I have looked up information about Jesus Christ, and from what I have read, it seems as though he was a good bloke.
They reckon he was a kind, gentle, tolerant, forgiving and compassionate fellow
It seems some of the stuff he was talking to people about was about accepting people as they are, showing tolerance to other people and their opinions, even if you did not agree with them.

By reading the stuff you write and the things you say about people you sound to to me like you are a very tolerant person at all.

In every blog you write, you always make mention of the Nazis, why is this? What is your obsession with Nazism? You also are continually making grand statements about how Satan works through PC.

Another question for you is: "what are you personally not allowed to do or say as a result of political correctness?"

Just tell me what freedom you have lost?

The only view I can take after my research into Jesus Christ, is, that the things you say are definitely not those of a contented person and definitely not a Christian!

Jesus in fact was not tolerant of fools or Evil at all, he drove them out with a whip and kicked there crap over remember and pointed out there degenerate PC crap and he got on there goat that much that they worked as hard as they could to try to kill him, only because he was telling the truth, not to mention with there PC cunning they got a innocent man murdered because he would expose them for what they truly were, of their father the Devil who were murders from the beginning, the Bible points it all out, but how many Priest point that out nowadays due to fear of the PC mob and all there hatred of being exposed, they don't like the truth.
Jesus said he was going to destroy what in 3 days ?
No Jesus is the Son of God Emmanuel = God with us = the 2ed person in the Trinity, not God the Father ! but one with the Father within the Holy Spirit.
Pope Frances is a Satanic bastard and his works expose him for what he truly is, a friendly chap, but so was the Devil, fools think the Devil a ugly and bad person but no he comes across as a lovely bloke who will give you anything, Bible points this out as well.
Satan only deceives people you know as it's all about deception you know.

Political Correctness is deception and is a great Nazi and Communist tool and without this they would never got the power to mislead the people and have the power they had to control over all with their fear tactics, it enslaves the people for crying out loud ! and I do know how it worked as lots of the old people pointed it out to me in detail what truly happened as they lived through that shit and pointed out just how naïve young people are, some tried the media to warn about such.

We are loosing our freedoms and the fact is that the PC mob don't like freedom of speech, that's the keyAnxious .

Why should one care what anyone says, because in a free Nation one has the right to say anything they please, be it right or wrong, but PCness rejects such claiming to become the big bro prick, who truly is just like the ones who killed Jesus and all the Prophets and this mob worked to destroyed the tribe of Israel and then the tribe of Judah.
It's all because they were offended so the PC mob claim, so as to try too have the right to walk over and control others thoughts, as the fact is that PC is all about thought control, they claim to have the rights to such enslavement.
PC is at war with what our forefathers who built this nation up on and who made it so great and now it's turning into a cess pit of degenerate good for nothings, extreme Evil drugs are pushed and the PC gov are behind it all and they work to help prop up the madness that goes on.
When you do see how many drug f---ed total morons get let off through the court on silly little points worth f all and then on the other side of the coin push to bust speeding 5km/h over in a place where it does not truly matter jack shit and but then come out the heavy saying just how dreadful truly serious this is, f ing total BS ! and the cops know this but can't do jack about it and now they have this visual recorder that makes them have to become like robots and the cops hate it and people will only end up disrespecting the cops even more than they do now all due to PCness cunning.
Freedoms are lost in a fabian way, it's all a planed conciliated objectives that are put in place and over time the game plan increase and when the village idiot wakes up to it then it's all to late.

What's going to happen down the track bro, the gov can't even manage money or balance the books, now that's pathetic and they have no morals worth jack, they promote poo jabbers the greatest spreader of AIDS the pox and all the other problems that go with it and they are pushing for making bestiality a right and get married to bloody a goat and all. Eh? it's all ok in Germany and other Nations, so why not here down the track, my mate Cory Bernardi pointed this out to the them idiots, asking for an answer but they savagely attacked him, would not listen to what his question truly was, because they hid from the real answer, because they are degenerates.
Hey bro I have been on jury duty with a child molester case once and the workings of PC gov have worked only to make it much harder to convict such a type of prick now.

Here with all the molester cases of the RC Church not to mention all the others it's a f ing joke ! no one could get away with such crap unless massive corruption of our gov was at the heart of it, such people are everywhere in gov and when speaking to my child's school principle I found this degenerate to be one of the most cunning load of trash I have come across and I am sure that bastard would turn to protect the schools interest at a blink of an eye then help support any child in a molester case, so nothing has changed at all but they have got much more cunning in dealing with such things, so that the child would not have a leg to stand on.
And what's more that two faced Principal knew bugger all about Christianity and lead a Christian school.Brick wall and I know that fool well over 2 years it was there.

How can I not be a Christian bro when I comprehend what Jesus Christ is all about and most try to avoid using his name Jesus Christ, the so called Christians truly only peddle degenerate filth like PC humanism.
wannabe51 Offline
#24 Posted : Sunday, 19 February 2017 12:31:47 PM(UTC)

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Mate, when I first started reading your blog, I thought it would be interesting to chat and see what you are on about.
After some of your more strange posts I thought you must be someone just having a joke.
Now after reading you latest missive, I am of the view that you are just plain angry, uneducated and ignorant! Nobody can be this ill informed!!

I look forward to seeing your reaction when Trump is impeached for treason! You heard it here first, the impeachment will be before the end of 2017!!
castellan Offline
#25 Posted : Sunday, 19 February 2017 5:33:51 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Mate, when I first started reading your blog, I thought it would be interesting to chat and see what you are on about.
After some of your more strange posts I thought you must be someone just having a joke.
Now after reading you latest missive, I am of the view that you are just plain angry, uneducated and ignorant! Nobody can be this ill informed!!

I look forward to seeing your reaction when Trump is impeached for treason! You heard it here first, the impeachment will be before the end of 2017!!

That's funny but how old are you.

How can one say Trump will be impeached for treason, he is the only leader to want to turn a Nation around from heading into a backward hell hole.

Obama was a failure he did nothing for the black people as well, Trump will help them all so much better.

I am not angry at all, upset some what for the future of others and that's not a Sin is it ? but I am truly concerned and always seek to be educated on what is truly going on, so how can that be ignorant. if I was ignorant don't you think I would not be bothered to say anything at all, now don't you think.Shhh
I truly wonder why you don't you like what I have to say, but yes I do understand that PC people don't like any others view points, because it makes them feel some what uneasy and their old inferiority complex starts kicking in.

I had a dear mate for 48 years and he was a typical socialist type, sadly he died being a nasty peace of work, with only malice against all his good friends wife and his only brother who did nothing wrong by him. it was just madness and I could not talk him out of it and he was egged on with all that shit by another fat moronic socialist dipstick.

People who try to go out of there way to try be nasty to others mainly are short sighted and narrow minded I have found.
Things you may of found to be strange, could just have to do with only being uneducated on that subject.

Maybe your understanding on Christianity surpasses mine Eh?
I would think that Atheist dribble is not a hard subject to fathom at all, but as simple as dog shit.

I am truly interested in where you get your informed opinions from, is it uni or just the media, TV, that you are swallowing all that spin doctor crap from, that the tax payer forks out millions a year for, just to be cunningly lied to.
wannabe51 Offline
#26 Posted : Monday, 20 February 2017 9:31:59 AM(UTC)

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Mate, as I stated earlier, I am not a Christian, so clearly I know nothing about this religion.
What I do observe is that a lot of hatred is generated by people like you towards people you have no tolerance for!
Is this a Christian thing?
Let me give you a few examples of hateful things you have said : you call people "poo jabbers" you call the current pope a "Satanic bastard" you refer to people as "degenerate "
Nobody can take you seriously until you are able to speak clearly about what this obsession is you have with this so called PC.
Now, tell me what personal freedoms you have lost.
Don't go off on a rant.
Just answer the question!!!
castellan Offline
#27 Posted : Monday, 20 February 2017 11:47:01 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Mate, as I stated earlier, I am not a Christian, so clearly I know nothing about this religion.
What I do observe is that a lot of hatred is generated by people like you towards people you have no tolerance for!
Is this a Christian thing?
Let me give you a few examples of hateful things you have said : you call people "poo jabbers" you call the current pope a "Satanic bastard" you refer to people as "degenerate "
Nobody can take you seriously until you are able to speak clearly about what this obsession is you have with this so called PC.
Now, tell me what personal freedoms you have lost.
Don't go off on a rant.
Just answer the question!!!

It's not hatred bro at all it's a discernment observation.

It's exactly what they truly are as a mater of fact.

I have pointed it all out to you our freedom of speech is under attack and the game plan of what the Nazi and communist used to control the people is at play.

It's not about me it's about our Nation we have or are loosing our Christian heritage that is being walked all over by cunning morons the Church has lost the plot and is pissing into the wind and the foundations of that Law is being undermined by nonsense.

Drugs are out of control due to the workings of PC nonsense and hey they only work to push all the buttons to push this crap, go ask a cop bro they don't have the tools to effectively deal with it, because it's been taken away from them in many ways.

It's not so much about lost but more curtailed undermining with an intent down the track grab for more power over the people, all this crap with the terrorist only helps give powers to stupid laws over our people.

The PC mob are Bolshevik grubs who work to undermine everything they can to cause trouble, they have destroyed Kingdoms and are the cause all the wars we have in the middle east by undermining the leaderships and now the filth are working to undermine the USA not to mention the elected leader Trump with every load of BS they can toss, I pointed out before what low life the PC mob truly are and Obama endorsed the havoc undermining the police and it goes on and on.

I know people I know who take drugs and I have seen just how simple minded they all are, there reasoning ability is shot, I pointed out that that see that horse is worth near 1 million dollars boy so you best respect what it is and he thought his own $2 mutt was just as worthy and I said it's not at all f off the property directly we can't have stupid attitudes like that here and he took offence at me for that. T
Two dole bludger drug clowns I know said that in the face of the economy and the rise of the national debt, we are a rich country don't you know, I said you two c--ts could not run a chook raffle.
I think it's speed or ice they have taken and dope grown under lights is another one that proven turns people into dills.

Look at the Trump supporters they don't look like the drug type clowns of the Hellary mob, you have black people who fully support Trump who come across as great examples of motivated talent and drive to be proud of and on the hellary side a lot of no hopers and sponges, uni drop outs, shit kickers, you don't see that type with the Trump voters, but hey TV the media degenerates make out all them Trump people to be worthless.

Bro if all the Trump voters went on strike nothing would get done and if all the Hellary mob went on strike, who would notice, best yet they could all pack up and get lost and go sponge off Canada.
wannabe51 Offline
#28 Posted : Monday, 20 February 2017 10:01:59 PM(UTC)

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Brilliant, thank you!
Well you did answer my question and showed that you have complete freedom of speech to say exactly what you like about all the type of people you dislike or don't trust.
So I think you can stop ranting now about no freedom of speech in this country !
castellan Offline
#29 Posted : Tuesday, 21 February 2017 11:30:32 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Brilliant, thank you!
Well you did answer my question and showed that you have complete freedom of speech to say exactly what you like about all the type of people you dislike or don't trust.
So I think you can stop ranting now about no freedom of speech in this country !

We are surly heading down that path.

I found it all started with how one was treated due to the law being changed in blowing into the bag, regardless they could pull people up, before that they had to have a reasonable excuse and they had to prove you could not past the test where you would preform a reality test and if you failed you had then to blow in the bag.

Speed radar BS setup in stupid places or hiding with the intent for nothing truly but only revenue collecting, it's just truly crap and they will not let the peoples have a right prove what the reality of it truly is, just deceit and mongrel dog cunning against the rights of the people not to be hounded by such low handed assault of there rights.

But you can get the sack form the PC fearing company's like Qantas and the Banks, St Vincent de Paul and many more, if you don't support gay marriage or oppose illegal emigration, as the PC Nazis target them to do there bidding with any threats they can think up.
Gun Laws
Foolish anti discrimination Laws.
TTP was an attack on our rights with influence to over rule our nations laws with corporate rights etc etc.
Legislating to limit freedoms and increase secrecy.
Pushing for jail for insulting.
Demands not to let people get visa only because PC mob don't want anyone informed about what PC is up to, disallowing the use of public venues for such to address an audience.

I could go on and on but I don't want to go down that track that far on this forum bro.

You take it up with me on the Quadrant site to be informed of all that bro, you will be in for an education.
wannabe51 Offline
#30 Posted : Tuesday, 21 February 2017 4:09:27 PM(UTC)

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So do you think we should drive motor cars while drunk?
Do you think we should be allowed to drive at whatever speed we want?
If you do not break the law you have nothing to fear from random breath testing or speed cameras.
You have nothing to fear from clause 18c of the Act., if you are fair and accurate.
Andrew Bolt was charged for breaching the act only because he made up things about people. You cannot say untruthful things about people. You continually do this by calling people " sodomite degenerates" and other aggressively insulting names.
You just tell lies! You have never even met the people you abuse yet you blindly think you are correct.

See if you can answer this question: "do you think we should ban homosexuals from our society here in Australia".

Please, no long rants, just address the question, please!

I am trying to understand what you really feel about this topic
castellan Offline
#31 Posted : Tuesday, 21 February 2017 10:30:03 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
So do you think we should drive motor cars while drunk?
Do you think we should be allowed to drive at whatever speed we want?
If you do not break the law you have nothing to fear from random breath testing or speed cameras.
You have nothing to fear from clause 18c of the Act., if you are fair and accurate.
Andrew Bolt was charged for breaching the act only because he made up things about people. You cannot say untruthful things about people. You continually do this by calling people " sodomite degenerates" and other aggressively insulting names.
You just tell lies! You have never even met the people you abuse yet you blindly think you are correct.

See if you can answer this question: "do you think we should ban homosexuals from our society here in Australia".

Please, no long rants, just address the question, please!

I am trying to understand what you really feel about this topic

1 yes I support what you have said we all should drive drunk, why do you try to be a clown and always try pushing such stupid foolish nonsense, how old are you 13.

2 yes I support driving at warp speed Applause everywhere. d'oh!

3 Some are pushing for .00 don't brake the law bro, how many KM do you do a year bugger all I would say. a dictator type for sure that can't see past his own nose.

4 If the shoe fits what's the big deal if it's true. and have you met Trump bro.Shame on you

5 I thought I explained that bro, no one gave a toss about such people even in the 60's and there is no one saying any such thing nowadays, what drugs are you on to say that total crap.

6 Ignorant dudes only want to be ticking boxes type crap like a dictator. why play stupid games, anyone who does not agree with you, then you don't even try to truly listen, why have a one tact mined negative mind, is it you can't understand or even bother trying to.

I had 5 mates who were Gay, 4 are dead now from AIDS and the other one has it with maybe 3 to 6 months to live, I don't support that life style and the last one is a real conservative type bloke and we agree on nearly everything, but he is just that way he loves men. he was a bloody funny bloke but just could not stop running around as they do and he hates the ALP left wing totally and is more right wing then me by far.

Why come here on your high horse just pissing into the wind bro. your only getting totally mixed up with what I say or are only playing silly games trying to make me into something you want to make up, just like all the dregs do with Trump, is it Malice that such people get off on, the PC mob are bagging the past of our history and dragging everything they can through the mud twisting it all around for utopian PC communist ends and that's Satanic! oh did I offend your satanic PC mates. the a word that offends because it's true or just a fact, but PC mob want to work to have them words removed because it describes them totally.Shhh
gm5735 Offline
#32 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 12:11:27 AM(UTC)

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What a great "discussion"
I'm struggling to keep up, since I can't get over the assertion that "...Nazi Germany was actually a democracy"
Who is rewriting history, again? Please remind me.

There seems to be a huge inconsistency in you railing against "PC", while abusing those who criticise Trump. Whether it's correct or not, isn't that just one group exercising their right of free speech? Or is that right selective, depending on whether you agree with it or not?

I always find it fascinating that just about every religion feels the need to denounce the others, to a greater or lesser degree, and has always been so.

The questions asked, while obviously rhetorical, could have been answered calmly, but instead were addressed with sarcasm, followed by a tirade of abuse and accusations of alignment with the favourite hate groups viz, gays, communists, the "PC" people, Nazis and Satan.

I have to wonder, do you actually physically froth at the mouth when you type this bile?
wannabe51 Offline
#33 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 7:49:37 AM(UTC)

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Ok Castellan, you did not address my question about the place of homosexual people in Australian society.
You did mention gun laws.
Are you able to explain what you consider is wrong with Australian gun laws?
Thank you!
castellan Offline
#34 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 10:50:03 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Ok Castellan, you did not address my question about the place of homosexual people in Australian society.
You did mention gun laws.
Are you able to explain what you consider is wrong with Australian gun laws?
Thank you!

Listen mate we have lost that gun right you fool, I had guns from a 9 yo kid in the house in the car no problem at all and no one thought anything of it, but nowadays you face jail time for such a thing as we once had and thought nothing of it.
I do believe in gun control nowadays however only because of all the drug f ed morons out there and the piss weak degenerate sooks who are not man enough, so they will go get a gun and try to kill another for bashing them up, in my day one would get into a fight and had a gun in the car but never thought of using that just because they got punched the shit out of them. but today people most are pathetic kids who will never truly become men, because they are brought up like dogs and have no common sense.

The place of homosexuals, there are all different types of them.
I could say I have 3 mates who are mad skirt chasers but they are what's called f whits sexual deviates that just can't help themselves to just one woman, there lives have been hell because of it, divorce after divorce and there poor kids d'oh! it does not impress me at all and the same with all the people who know them.
One has got 7 kids to different women that I know of the last time I knew him maybe 10 years ago he bashed that wife, he was on speed, so we have had nothing to do with him from then on.

No one looks up to such people in the real world and why should they, degenerates are just that. a thief a con man is just what they are is a bad tradesman etc etc all should be pointed out for what they truly are. some types of gays are ok to me and some I would not give the time of day to them. it's been that way with people for over 4000 years bro, the PC mob are fools that want to come the heavy pushing people around to there degenerate 3rd rate garbage just because they are wimps that can't handle reality or the truth.
castellan Offline
#35 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 11:54:53 AM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: gm5735 Go to Quoted Post
What a great "discussion"
I'm struggling to keep up, since I can't get over the assertion that "...Nazi Germany was actually a democracy"
Who is rewriting history, again? Please remind me.

There seems to be a huge inconsistency in you railing against "PC", while abusing those who criticise Trump. Whether it's correct or not, isn't that just one group exercising their right of free speech? Or is that right selective, depending on whether you agree with it or not?

I always find it fascinating that just about every religion feels the need to denounce the others, to a greater or lesser degree, and has always been so.

The questions asked, while obviously rhetorical, could have been answered calmly, but instead were addressed with sarcasm, followed by a tirade of abuse and accusations of alignment with the favourite hate groups viz, gays, communists, the "PC" people, Nazis and Satan.

I have to wonder, do you actually physically froth at the mouth when you type this bile?

Yes it was in fact a democracy, the shit did not hit the wall until the war, old mate was man of the year and all the leaders of the world looked to Hitler as the greatest even our Aussie PM said as such, he was loved by many people in the world and people were trying to get into Germany because of the work and wanted the old borders before WW1 back because the Nations that had taken that land were seen to be crappy and backwards, Hitler's Germany was far more progressive the privilege of the very rich lording it over the people was gone and the poor had a chance to make a better life.
But then the world banking system seen Hitler as a treat and this is what the war was all about, W Churchill said this was so in 1960 and did not give a shit about Nazis or the Jews.

The thing with them and Trump is they are going way to far with it all and it's all stirred up by degenerate fools.

Religion as to other Christians, they are just making a point of what they think and the same as to others religions, they have that right and it will be always be so in a healthy democracy.

When it comes to any subject freedom to say whatever is fine and to oppose the value of that right is only a criminal deed that will only lead people astray, I don't hate gays but should have a freedom to point anything out about such things and the same is so with communist and Nazis but I do despise them that's for sure and it's only because I know and understand the depths of there game play, just as I do with the PC mob, I understand them where they are coming from and where they will lead the world into, enslavement. because it's the work of Satan = the one who leads all astray, understand.
I know that Satan is well on his way to dominate the world and all you poor fools will reap what you sow in ignorance and Hell will be payed, the wagers of Sin is death, so if there is no repentance for your Sin.
The warnings have been seen in history but no one gives a f--k nowadays about the hell that the Nazi and communist caused, it will be repeated 10 times more worse over next time.

I maybe do froth at the mouth when I see that our Aussie men who fought and died in WW2 was in vain to a bunch of worthless good for nothing pack of c--ts, not to mention the piss boys who think that them men did such for f ing low life PC socialist that in fact them men in fact truly despised.
castellan Offline
#36 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 12:17:06 PM(UTC)

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I remember the RSL man Bruce Ruxston all the shit kickers who opposed everything he said, trying to make a joke out of everything he said. that's the same pond life as the PC mob.
wannabe51 Offline
#37 Posted : Wednesday, 22 February 2017 2:04:16 PM(UTC)

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Hey mate, you need to proof read your posts before hitting send!
Check your facts, spelling and grammar"
You really are a long way of the pace?
castellan Offline
#38 Posted : Thursday, 23 February 2017 1:06:01 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Hey mate, you need to proof read your posts before hitting send!
Check your facts, spelling and grammar"
You really are a long way of the pace?

Sorry good buddy.

Bruce Ruxton.

Hey is D Trump still the same bloke you thought he was, and still reject him as the USA President. did you know his IQ was 156. did you know his life story proves he is way above Obama, hell we don't know much about Obama, that's all been hidden as much as it could be.
Why do the media Marxist bag Trump by degrading him, making out he is not worthy and just some stupid worthless no hopper bum that has no right to be President. sounds like full on slander to me, but that Communist Marxist Bolsheviks for you, always working to undermining everything that's not there way.

Obama history should of been an open book, Trumps was !
Obama was a bastard child and his true dad was a communist, so say the people who looked into it all but he could not come out and say that now could he and he is a follower of Islam. USA had a Traitor that was only leading it down the drain.
The media hid everything they could on Obama, but went to war on Trump and look for every and anything they can to undermine him, they even twist his words around, make sound bites with cunningly deception tactics.

Pricks like that did the same thing to Sir Joh, going on the attack 24/7 just spinning BS after BS twisting anything he said around for there own ends and they found nothing on him after going after him for 20 years and then that open cheque book spending millions of tax payers dollars and found nothing on him. the Idiots and Morons should pay that money back that a innocent man had to fork out to defend himself, against criminals like that. it's typical of Marxism and Sir Joh warned us of such people and there devious cunning all the time and that's why he could not just go and put his feet up and let the party go to the pact as it did and the QLD Nationals were just hopeless from then on, a bunch of good for nothings crawling up the stuck up liberals dot all the way because they had no leadership at all.
wannabe51 Offline
#39 Posted : Thursday, 23 February 2017 2:33:46 PM(UTC)

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Ok, This discussion has been going on for some time now, so I want to recap on what we have learned so far:
There was free hospitals under Joh,
Your grandfather died in Denmark and your dad was left to die,
PC was responsible for destroying the tribes of Israel and Judia,
Sir Joh was not corrupt and was set up by "Them",
Fabian Socialists will create a hell worse than Germany under Hitler,
Ukraine is controlled Neo Nazis and cunning Jews,
There was no grace in the world until Jesus Christ came along,
Zionist Jews supported Hitler,
A lot of QLD ALP got off child molesting,
Pope Francis is a Satanic bastard,
"They" are pushing to make bestiality legal,
President Obama is a Muslim, and
Hitler was admired by all world leaders!

Well my lesson is over.
I am bored with this now, see ya!
gmholdman Offline
#40 Posted : Thursday, 23 February 2017 4:22:02 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: wannabe51 Go to Quoted Post
Ok, This discussion has been going on for some time now, so I want to recap on what we have learned so far:
There was free hospitals under Joh,
Your grandfather died in Denmark and your dad was left to die,
PC was responsible for destroying the tribes of Israel and Judia,
Sir Joh was not corrupt and was set up by "Them",
Fabian Socialists will create a hell worse than Germany under Hitler,
Ukraine is controlled Neo Nazis and cunning Jews,
There was no grace in the world until Jesus Christ came along,
Zionist Jews supported Hitler,
A lot of QLD ALP got off child molesting,
Pope Francis is a Satanic bastard,
"They" are pushing to make bestiality legal,
President Obama is a Muslim, and
Hitler was admired by all world leaders!

Well my lesson is over.
I am bored with this now, see ya!

Applause Thank "god" (no pun intended) I thought this was a car info site not political banter Applause
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