Originally Posted by: HK1837 
Agree, they work. That is 100% indisputable, anywhere that says otherwise is just tinfoil hat foolish made up rubbish.
A mate of mine comes up to me and says if you get the Covid Jab you will only get a mild case if you get it or when you get it
A experimental so called Vaccine that you still get Covid ?

come on ? I have looked into it all from every position that I can and I do not stick my head in the sand on any issue.
I do not work I am retired and I have all the time in the world to look into anything and I sit and listen to all the propaganda about it all on TV and you now what I am not convinced at all, all I see is propaganda peddled out by the Main Media and BS as well from other forms, I have never got into Facebook right from the start and a mate went off his rocker wanting me to get on to what I clamed was Mugbook and informed him that it stuck out as a Nazi type of tool as far as I am concerned.
I have a Jewish sir name and I am better informed than 99% of the population on such subjects easy, but I am a Christian but I would not piss on any church denomination nowadays because they are so full of shit and not worthy of Christ Jesus at all. fact is the bastards swept child molesters under the carpet for years and I pointed this out to such people in the 80's but they would not listen, they claimed I was the problem for bring such to attention. typical reaction

, but where were the Media ? well hiding it all in fact and the top of the Police ranks covering it all up totally full on, cops would submit such and up top covered it all up even some cops lost their job for blowing the whistle on such corruption and I seen a good one of such on TV with a cop pointing it all out what he went through, he was commissioned to fined evidence and then he was to hand everything over to up top and ordered to shut up about it all.
Child molesting has been rife in Government circles, I could point out many in the QLD ALP who were caught and ones who wriggled off the hook, even one was the leader of the QLD ALP K Black got locked up.
Satanist for sure are involved in Governments and all, for fuck sake such cunts in VIC support abortion up to 9 months with a healthy baby, but if it's deformed spastic well you have no right to an abortion at all, you have to have it, who wants to be born a spastic, that's satanic cruelty in my books. my mum worked in such a place looking after such and went to adopt one, but then had a nervous brake down and ended up in wally world for a month herself, it's not easy looking after such people dealing with that day after day and my sister worked with the worst of such as well, I know all the story's in dealing with such. not to mention the Government comes out clean, because the majority would not have a clue. as ignorance is bliss !
If the Covid Jab was a true Vaccine I would get the Jab. but who sells one something and says well if you end up fucked up you have no rights to sue for damages ! thank you come again.
Well the dealer does not back up his product in this instance does he, to hell with such I will go look else were, But no you can't ! you have to be corralled through only one door, I am not going to be anyone's nigger.