Originally Posted by: SRV 
Hopefully someone gets it to the complete road going car that it once could have been.
Guessing that is not the original engine.
that keeps popping up on various auction and for sale sites.. does not sell coz the guy reputedly wants $1mil for it (says someone I knew at one of the auction houses)
note that the ad says POA Bit much for the 3rd version pilot/test version.
will add a bit of history.... in the late 70s I found that on top of a dumpster out back of Exp Eng at FBend (when i was the budget accountant for Eng) in worse condition
(see my pic)
with the help of 2 of the guys in Eng I knew, we dragged it off and I said to Dave and Gavin (the engineers) lets buy it and finish it.... so I trotted off to my boss
Alan Nanscawen and we went to his boss, the GMH Finance Director... Bill DeLong. Bill was fine.. yep but we need to ok from the Director of engineering
who was Joe Whitesell.. who was the guy the 2 engineers were going to see.
They did not get an audience for 2 days and yeah surprise, surprise... it had disappeared. I saw it about a month later wrapped in plastic on a pallet at the V8 engine plant
where rumour has it (I could never confirm this) it was kept after the No#2 chassis got the concrete block smash test at the proving ground.
No#1 was not to be seen in my time at GMH nor our chassis #3.
The complete version you see on display these days, after an excellent rebuild via apprentices at Port Melbourne, is No#1