Have a look at the Holden General discussion & technical Talk Section & look for the post HZ SANDMAN UTES ONLY
theres a Light blue original HZ sandman ute with good pictures on where the blackouts go .
I spoke to the Guy whos selling those mugs & he swore Black & Blue that It was not my Ute
He reckons that he got the pictures from a guy in Queensland who owned a light blue HZ sandman ute .
Check out the pictures below
The 1st ute picture is my ute from the start of this forum.
The 2nd ute picture is his drawing that he is selling on T shirts & mugs on Ebay
The 3rd ute picture both his & mine over the top of each other . Courtesy of my wife who is a graphic designer.
There are a few minor differences.
My exhaust was hidden under the tray so he has drawn one in on the wrong side
My ute does not have any pull down ropes like all HZ sandman Utes do because I welded them up also I have no petrol cap on outside , I
welded that up and reversed it around to the inside of the tray to make it all look neat.
Also what a coincidence that his drawing has my old jellybean rims on it . And GTS guards not supposed to have them either .
He changed the Sandman lettering a little bit & moved the rear indicator on the Quarter.
Its definately my ute he has pinched to make money off .