For some time our company has been gathering evidence, both photographic and video, plus taking eye witness accounts from motorists who believe they have been unjustly photographed, and subsequently fined by photographic speed cameras such as Multanova in Western Australia and the various other cameras used in the other states. If you fall into this category, we would love to hear from you.
Yes, we sell Radar Detectors and Laser Gun Jammers, but few motorists consider this equipment a “license to speed.” On the contrary, from our observations and the conclusion of various independent studies, radar detector owners are generally very conscientious drivers – actually concerned about their speed. Over the years, at least 50% of our customers buy a radar detector in response to an apparent unjust speeding ticket from a photographic speed camera. The obvious problem with this application of speed measurement and reporting technology is that the motorist often simply can not recall exactly what they were doing at the date and time the photograph was taken – leaving little room for negotiation or even a defense should the matter goes to trial. So begrudgingly the speeding fines are paid. The state government realise this, and play on this fact with out doubt.
Presently we have documented many Multanova camera in Western Australia setup incorrectly, used without a calibration check , packed up without a final calibration check, used in areas against radar speed camera best practices (behind obstacles, near power transformers, below high voltage power lines, on bends in the road, on steep inclines, on steep declines etc,) used outside of known road black spot locations and the list goes on. Not to mention that we have video evidence of motorists being photographed while being over taken by trains running parallel to road ways and we have video evidence of cameras taking photographs with no moving objects near them. We also have documented evidence of one particular Multanova camera location that was photographing motorists with a minimum 20km/h OVER calculation. We witnessed several motorists actually stop and confront the camera operator – yet these people will have little avenue for appeal without actual substantiating evidence.
We are in the final stages of producing a comprehensive report designed to expose the illegal operation and revenue raising conducted by the Western Australian Police Department. If you have DOCUMENTED evidence or JUSTIFIABLE claims regarding a speeding fine that has been issued to YOU, then we would appreciate hearing from you shortly.
NOTE: Please contact us by email via our web page, at present, we are not taking phone calls or giving legal advice – but collecting and documenting evidence. Shortly we plan to launch a system where by users can electronically lodge their evidence online. Are you contributing to the $2 million a day speeding fine slush fund without cause?
The only Australian radar detector superstore.
http://www.radars.com.au| Radar Detectors | Laser Jammers | Alcohol Breath Testers | Driver Tiredness Warning Systems | Auto MP3 Players |