Can anybody help me? Not that I want it to sound like a hard luck story but I need to find an interest to help me keep my sanity and utilize what time I have left. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (an incurable bone Cancer) in 2005 which resulted in a Stem cell transplant and has left me with 7 vertebrae fractures and the inability to work. Although in remission, it will get me eventually!
They say the best way to stay positive is to set yourself a goal or objective to take your mind off of the treatment and the torment that goes with Cancer.
To this end I have decided to try and find a car, preferably a runner with minimal rust, that I can tinker around with, something that I can work on that will not require major work, as the back probably would not cope, but something that I can at least with a bit of work ,get registered and comfortably drive around the local area, I am extremely thankful of the fact that I can still drive.
I am not adverse to also considering something else from this era, possibly an XA or XB or even a Holden of the 70's. Not phased as to whether it is a wagon or a sedan, six or eight, petrol or gas and am prepared to travel to country SA to view.
As I said before, I don't want it to sound like a hard luck story, but if I can find something suitable through this forum I will be very grateful.
Meantime, thanks for taking the time to read this seemingly long posting and look forward to hearing from anyone that can assist.
Please forward any details and photos to
johncafiftyone@gmail.comI don't have a lot of cash and am probably very optimistic about finding something suitable up around a maximum spend of $4,000.00 but here goes anyway !!
Finally I will, once my time is up, have my wife sell the car and donate the proceeds to the Cancer Foundation. A small way in which I could say thanks to those that have assisted me in an unselfish and dedicated manner.
Kind regards
John C