Hi guys
Am having issues with my auto choke after engine rebuild and am trying to find the problem and fix it, so my auto choke works properly.
I bought a fully refurb WW Stromberg 2 barrel carby for my HT 253 V8 manual when I rebuilt my engine. I got the engine dyno tuned recently after racking up some decent miles and discovered the baffle inside the drivers exhaust manifold had corroded and was letting exhaust fumes into the auto choke.
Not knowing what the original baffle was made from I put in a stainless steel pipe to feed hot air into the thermostat coil.
I am also having the issue that when engine is hot at operating temp there is still tension from the coil spring and it engages the auto choke when hot by closing the butterfly and I have to blip throttle to disengage it after start up. I then back off the coil spring so butterfly can sit vertically open when hot but then auto choke fails to engage when stone cold.
I pulled off the cover for the thermostat coil and compared the coil with 2 other WW strombergs I have and noticed the coil is larger and has more coils then the coils on my other 2 stromberg carbies.
I am trying to determine what size coil is needed as they all have different numbers stamped on them and the ends of the coil finish in different positions.
I have coil 459, coil 460 which are on my other strombergs and coil 465 which was fitted to the carby I purchased refurb.
I have to add that the larger 465 coil doesn’t allow the indicator on the cap to line up with the R & L increments on the auto choke as the coil finishes in a different spot, but coil 459 allows for the indicator to line up with the increments.
Can anyone provide advice on which thermos coil I am supposed to have fitted and if the stainless steel baffle is also causing issues by not transferring enough heat for the coil to expand and shrink?