Originally Posted by: HK1837 
Haha, yes. The little over-pressurised tiny diesels pumping out crazy torque figures that can supposedly tow 3500kg. Like hell they can. Can’t hold the speed limit up hills and if the aircon is on they go even slower!
Yes i have heard all that shit able to tow 3 and a half tonne a mat was boasting, f off ! i said to him you are pissing into the wind, you can not tow above what the weight of the car is and if you do such one is a dickhead end of story i said, i don't give a rats if the law said you could do more i would not, but they do not say so do they. so all this crap about 3 and a half tonne towing is worthless boasting.
This mate had a new VF SS-V 375KW ute and 2 new Colorado's and here he is ranting about the Colorado's like a tosser, oh the power he claimed, yes they do go well for what they are but they are total shit thing to drive about in, not my cup of tea at all. i never want to get in such and i never want to drive them, but i had to at times.
Another mate has them big 4x4 Toyota wagons, he claims the roads are to bad to drive a car on, he claims the door start to rattle from the crap roads, f ing BS ! mine never rattled, sure every alloy wheels became eggs but never a rattle any were. I would hit the corrugation's as hard as and i found a magic shock absorber Monroe GT-GAS Reflex, i hated them at first and was going to take them back, but i did some corrugated roads with them on and it was like get f ed ! i was totally amazed so i just held it flat and it was fun, corrugated roads fun C'mon ! they shit you off right, but no ! not with this shock absorber, the 4x4's should have this type of shock design. it just takes out all the little bumps on a easy like setting and the bigger bumps are not a problem and the faster and harder you drive they work better.
When i first got them they were too soft over smooth roads and to stiff and some bumps were to stiff and turning corners it was like i needed stronger sway bars. i was pissed off with them, but after the good work out they became better and i was fine with them.
The springs are standard Holden SS ute everything, all this lowering stuff is just bull shit on the VY.
Well i had to lower my VS utes but only just the highest lowered springs and i use Pedders springs.