How about a change of pace....
There are a lot of 'experts' here, I reckon I'm one of them, that all have had a lot to say over prices of old Fords and what they are and aren't worth, so how about an experiment!
Lets find some sweet examples of the popular Fords and come up with a group average of what they are worth, or more accurately what we think they are worth.
Here is car number 1.'s a very nice original XB sedan. No doubt its a sweet car but whats it worth?? I think there is a big difference between what sellers think and what the market does so lets see if we can measure it.
PERSONALLY, i think this car is worth $8000. Why? Well because that's about as high as I think someone would go on a standard 6 cylinder falcon sedan. How many buyers of this type of car would there be that have more than a $10K budget? Most with that budget aren't looking for something like that, they are after a car with more appeal, like a coupe or K code, but more importantly people would be reluctant to bastardise such a nice car so shy away.
This is a prime example of a car that is too good for its own good. A pristine example of a base model car has less appeal than a lesser car with more 'mojo'.
What do the rest of the experts reckon?
I'm not taking a dig at this seller but take a good look at it. It was his pops car, he would no doubt have a huge emotional link to it. I think you would need to step away from it and judge it purely for what it is, nothing more.
'I don't tell people what they want to know, I tell them what they need to know!'