Originally Posted by: HK1837 
Originally Posted by: castellan 
SAE set a standard of 0.004 lift for the cam figures so Holden may be that without the ramps, I have heard of 0.002 ?
Most cam company used 0.006 in the days before the modern way of 0.050 now used.
7434871 cam is used in the HT, HG, HQ 308 and the 253, but the 253 is retarded -5 degrees as was the LH Torana 308
using the cam gear PN 7434699. the other cam gear is PN 2808386 and this is zero deg.
2825882 is a HJ to VL 308 cam it has one ring cast on it to ID it, it's timing gear PN 7434699 = - 5 deg and is in 28/72 = 280 duration with ex 78/30 = 288 dur and if you use the PN 2808386 timing gear you will improve power with this cam.
The HJ to VH 253 cam is 92000944 but the cam gear PN is 7434699 on HJ to HZ but the VB to VH has PN 9936255.
So I have some other Holden PN cams
92029026 = VK HDT-SS
92060099 = VL SS GROUP A
92061392 = VN to VS
92063314 = VT
92063624 = VT 195KW and the 5.7L 215KW
Is 7434699 5deg retarded, or is it actually 0deg and 2808386 5deg advanced?
The reason I ask is L34 (and LH 308 engines prior to HT24413) have the following timing figures and use 2808386, the 253 and the 308 engines past HT24412 use 7434699:
Subtract 5 deg from the opening and add 5 deg to the closing and you have the timing figures quoted for HJ 253 (which use the 7434699 sprocket).
Note that from HT release 2808386 was the 308 sprocket and 7434699 was the 253 sprocket. My guess is the 308 was run 5 degrees advanced on the same cam, but once the new cam came in for HJ engines they reverted to the 0deg sprocket.
Edit, just found the answer. LH service manual lists the cam timing as follows:
253: 27/63-270, 71/19-270 46 overlap
308: 32/58-270, 76/14-270 46 overlap.
So the 308 has its cam advanced 5deg using 2808386 and the 253 cam sits at 0deg using 7434699. Once the 308 gets a new cam at HJ engine start it goes back to 0deg.
Funny that the Torana 308 was timed different to the HQ 308 as they retarded the cam timing as such, I would think as such, one is looking to increase top end power by doing such at the experience of loosing low torque a bit, the lighter car may be deemed safer to do as such by Holden ?
I don't know about the L34 timing setup if it was at 0 or -5 and as we know the came change from HT24413 to 2825882, not to mention the race L34 cam option at all here.
HT-G-Q 308 7434871 cam is in 27/63 ex is 71/19 over lap is 46
LH Torana 308 I have 32/16 58/28 in my book.
ADR27A mainly created a cam that was retarded by around 6 deg this is to heat up the exhaust to burn the unburnt fuel off better generally is the rule that they claim that works.
Look at the so called HJ cam 2825882 308 cam on the exhaust she has more duration then the intake, now the cam timing does not tell the whole story because we have other factors of the cam at play, we have the lob centreline to factor in, but I don't know what it is on the Holden cams, so this can effect the compression of an engine running at different points through out the rev range in reality and this may be why the 9.7:1 static compression was created and then 9.4:1 in the HX-Z as to the position of came timing sprocket may of changed.
Now hang about this HJ-X-Z cam with more exhaust duration could cause less true compression as the engine is running, calling into play volume efficiency and Holden just raise the compression to compensate.
As a cam is retarded the spark timing goes advance more so as we mainly seen up to 6 deg at idle on a pre ADR but come ADR27A you then seen 12 deg being common.
The book I am going by is not the bees knees on facts I would say but something in the right direction to go on.
I don't know the dizzy spec settings of the HJ or HX-Z and so on, that may point to what is going on with the cam setups, the torana setup must be different to the HT to HQ 308 ? it must tell the story.
I have buggered around with my 20/60 cam in my 308 and I retarded it by 6 deg and she lost a lot of performance and at 0 she just went so much better.
As a rule adv = more mid power and retarding = more top and less mid, so they say as a rule.