Yes there were (at least) 2 different types of brackets. One fitted to ‘earlier’ cars is commonly known as an offset bracket where the rod through the firewall is at a different height to the centre of the booster. The other bracket is much simpler and not offset, the rod through the firewall goes straight to the booster. The bracket also pushes the booster further forward than the offset type. Couldn’t tell you when they changed sorry. If you google HK brake booster brackets you shoulf find images of both and links to other forum discussions pretty easily.
Some interesting info from Facebook (to HK, HT and HG Holden Builds) on early vs late booster brackets and when they changed.
Luis Santos ...When they tested them on the 327 before the race they found that bracket used to bend at full racing practice so gmh deleted that bracket adaptor to the later models including the 327 they made a straight shaft from booster straight to brake pedal. ...
Gordon Merrett My information was that in early HK they offered aircon with the 307 using pump and brackets imported from America suitable for LHD cars and initially they could not offer disc brakes with aircon. Drum brakes only maybe with the small booster. Answer hollow in the guard to move the booster over. Still not a lot of room so in HQ they moved the pump to passenger side where there was plenty of room.
Warren Turnbull Gordon Merrett Yes this is correct, the direct acting booster was introduced to allow AC on the 5 litre engine. Early 327s have been, AC Broughams were fitted with these right from the get go. Then they filtered across the range.
Richard Ewer Warren i have heard so much conflicting info on these boosters , i have a aug 68 built 327 it had a direct acting booster , i was in the process of changing it over to a offset booster as i was under the impression thats what it should of had, am i right in understanding that it should be direct acting ?
Warren Turnbull I had an August build car that had lever action but it was an early August as it was first regoed on the 20th. By the end of August both types were being fitted, so an August/September may have had either. They needed to fit both types, to exhaust current contract and to make enough of new ones (which all AC 5 litre had to have) for the new contract.
The brake pedal has an extra hole for direct acting, so check your brake pedal for signs of being changed before changing it.
Edited by user 6 years ago
| Reason: More Info on early to late brake booster bracket change