Originally Posted by: WoodCreator 
I read this topic a year ago , I think everything will get better under President Biden!
The price of engine oil has doubled from what I could get it for last year and the price of petrol could be $2 a L by the end of the year with such an idiot as Biden at the wheel. with Electricity we are being ripped off like no other in history and the BS we are being played for fools.
Inflation should take off by rights but the world has adopted the system that the Nazis used, so they can manipulate such ends to their desires until it crashes badly or they can and do such at will, when it suits them to do so.
Biden is going to go into full on childish debt mode, like all the morons have did in history to make themselves look good too the majority of fools, Obama went into printing money oh what brain power ! a 5yo could come up with that.
If Whitlam could not of borrowed money like he did he would of been seen for the fool that the truly was in fact by everyone, he was a clown. Keating was another ratbag who was hell bent on destroying many Australian business people, no one could be so stupid in the act of how he (floated)dropped the value of Aussie the dollar directly like that. Remember he said 'we' are going to have a soft landing ? who was the 'WE' ? that he was talking about ? no he truly worked for such destruction, as he created a boom that full on was enticing business to brow much money or sink remember and then he pulled the rug out from under them, such was all planed orchestrated to keep many such people down for the feathering Socialist means to it's ends.
The worlds smartest Treasurer remember, because no one in the world could fathom what the hell he was truly up to, this just did not make sense in how he went about it all in fact and the gov spin doctors and Media worked their magic to spin the tables around on that story true narrative, not to mention that this skulduggery worked a treat ! who says that the Media and Government can't truly mislead the people. well it worked well in Nazi Germany and every Communist Nation very effectively indeed.
Obama gets in and makes that speech, WE will ! By 'we' I mean you ? that's the truth of it.