It is the BODY plants that different on the model code, not the ASSEMBLY plants. Pagewood PAP continued in their traditional manner at the start of HQ with the MODEL code followed by the SERIES code then R or L for right or left drive, which was exactly how they'd done HK-HG (which incidentally is silly when you think about it as there were no LHD HQ!).
So when you look at the origins say in HK (they were all different prior to this but this is where Pagewood started their own form):
Acacia Ridge example: HK337M-12074B. Acacia Ridge were economical, no point putting the 8 and the 0 as they are really not needed, 8 means GMH and the 0 is a space filler. The M means manual and the B at the end means Brisbane. The 12074 is the 12074th HK body out of Acacia Ridge BAP.
Pagewood example: 80369KR-02765-H5. Pagewood didn't see the need for the HK, it is there after the 80369 model code, R means RHD, 2765 is the 2765th HK Kingswood sedan body out of Pagewood BAP. H5 means Pagewood.
Dandenong example: HK80180-29650M. Dandenong and Elizabeth used the same format for the SERIES-MODEL code up front. The M means Melbourne 29650 is the 29650th body out of Dandenong BAP
Elizabeth example: HK81469-473-A. A means Adelaide (or alternatively Woodville). Elizabeth numbered their models at this time like Pagewood. This is the 473rd Brougham body out of Elizabeth (or Woodville) BAP.
So as you move into HQ they look like:
Acacia Ridge: HQ81169A with 00178B on the next line. Basically the same format as HK but they've added the first two model code digits.
Pagewood: 80837QR with 7279S on the next line. Still the same basic format but since moved to a cumulative BAP total for the number and S replaced H5.
Dandenong: HQ80837 with 000598M on the next line. Nothing really changed.
Elizabeth: HQ81469 with 604-A on the next line. Nothing changed.
They did all change along the way during and after HQ too, like Acacia Ridge dropped the M or A during HQ, Elizabeth moved to a cumulative body total during HQ, Acacia Ridge changed to the PSN numerical portion as the BODY number during HQ and Elizabeth did the same right at the end of HX, just to name a few.
S96403P is a Police number. Issued by South Australian Police in 1996.
Edited by user 3 years ago
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