Originally Posted by: HK1837 
I have my second dose tomorrow, first was 12 weeks ago.
I do not want to see anyone catch this without the extra protection of a vaccine, the ongoing effects are not pleasant in many cases even if you get over it by yourself. However once we get to near 80% vaccinated everything is going to open up again and the virus will be free to roam. Those that aren’t vaccinated are going to be cannon fodder, and will then realise they should have ignored the morons and listened to medical experts.
I’ve had the ‘flu bad once, joints lock up, can’t eat or even drink. Can’t get out of bed. Lost near 10kg. I’ve had the ‘flu shot every year now for probably 20 years. It’s about 60% effective, I’ve never had a bad ‘flu dose since, only minor symptoms. I expect we’ll be getting Covid vaccines every year with the seasonal ‘flu shot, it will be around for many years to come in some form.
I listen to every point of view that I can.
I do have an opinion on the subject myself and I will not be getting the Jab come hell or high water, no one is going to inject me with a truly way out their radical experimental drug like such, if I was that stupid I would go up the road and take what ever the fool drug dealer would give me, I know the idiot well and I know that the cops let the bastard sell the crap, I am sure such idiots cut it down etc and do the Government truly care, no they clearly don't, this prick is selling for years going up and down the street selling 24/7 he is an informant.
My brother is a cop and he points out all the shit that the Government plays games with over the years and that they have to hide from the public record from the truth and every year all the BS just gets worse to the point of so much becoming a childish pathetic joke. so fact is it's becoming much like Nazi Germany only the working are different ball game at hand but the seeds are the same foundations all based on deceptions.
Freedom of speech is being undermined 24/7 cover ups are every were and the media is just like it was in Nazi Germany before the war and disregarding all opinions on so many matters, they claim that they will tell us how to think ? look at all the shit that the media and Government's spin, it's nothing but shit 24/7 they are a total disgrace and I have no faith in them at all. they aid and abet all the f heads degenerates and run about shafting our past history who built this Nation and you have buckleys of stating an opinion other than their view or they will come at such a one with total malice, not to mention such pricks take pride in works of malice. In my books anyone who champions malic is the lowest of the low.
I understand No wonder the Germans just followed along with Hitler regardless, well you were shot if you expressed another opinion anyway. But look at all the shallow clowns who claim all the Germans were all just cunts, but fact is that one should not let a government have too much power over the people, is the fact that one should understand.
Under Socialism all people become slaves to the Government, sure they hold out all the candy to get all the fools in but then when they get real power and dominate, then they Turn and they have a wonderful record of killing people in masses, not to mention who can stop such when everyone is all equal no body's without a voice.
Warning never trust a Government, because the fact is they are never honest regardless of what Party they are. sadly I have been a member and I have seen all the shit that goes on, as Robin would exclaim Well I stand rooted Batman !
See you next Bat time same Bat Channel.