thanks. :)
as for cost, not too sure. depends how you want to go about things, and how much you want to do yourself. id say around the 20k mark though; 10thou for bodywork and paint, and another 10 for everything else.
anyway, more pics of a bit more progress:
needed to cover the door inspection holes before i stuck the doorcards on.

went to clarks rubber and bought some .3mm (ithink) plastic sheet. was 9bucks a meter or something. bought a meter and a half WHICH IS MORE THAN ENOUGH (just buy 1m!).

also got some sikaflex gluey stuff to stick it on with. this stuff can be an absolute shytefight if you arent careful! i think this is... 19bucks.. or something?

next, cut up the plastic to the shape of the inspection hole recess...

last thing i did before sticking the plastics on, was spray fish oil EVERYWHERE. had no idea what to do with it, so just sprayed the insides of the doors till it ran at the drip-holes. had to leave the doors open all day cos it wouldnt stop leaking. haha.. least it wont rust eh!

then put the clips on the backs of the doorcards, and with a bit of fiddling, got them on the doors!
very swish. :p
also have dug out a bunch of interior bits n pieces to neaten up n put in.

actually have 2 pairs of those A-pillar trims. 1 pair metal, the other plastic! went with the metal ones even though that had started to rust where they are pushed down into the dash corner/inner cowl areas.
cleaned them, ground away the rust, scuffed up the rest, and did em in satin black:

also, under-dash has been broken in the past, and had a brown replacement :/
no drama though!

interestingly, got a couple of other bits lately. venetian is a very nice repro from somewhere in NSW, while the spare wheel bolt and handbrake cover (mine was cracked all over) came from people on ebay.

well, wiring still needs to be done. got out the old loom which id carefully labelled and put away:

yyyeh... maybe not! hahaha
had to lay out that mess. dont need it, but whoever does the job of making a new loom and rewiring the car might need it for reference.
its been absolutley butchered over the years. has been hacked for the twin headlight front, gas setup, and audio wiring.

thats going to be a helluva job, and i have NO idea about it. really not too sure with wiring.
oh.. found the dash too.

..been cut for a radio, which is a bit of a shame. check the kays out though! hehhe

thats it for now.
4/76 HJ monaroGTS
Edited by user Saturday, 9 August 2008 5:35:15 AM(UTC)
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