On the speedo side of things, from what I have seen if they are VDO speedo,s they will have a stamped in month and year date code and if you are really lucky there could be a printed on day, month and year date code.
This can be seen in these pictures.
http://s872.photobucket....=view¤t=Speedo.jpghttp://s872.photobucket....=view¤t=Speedo.jpgAs you can see these are 72 and a 74 ones, So it should still be right for mid 73 as well.
Also from what I have seen the Flexidrive speedos only have a sticker on them,no stamped date code.
So less chance of getting a date from them.
Also the VDO date code can be seen while the speedo is still fitted to the car.
Anyway I am curious to know something about these speedos from after the bulletin date.
Has anyone looked at the date code on these ones and compared them to the build date of the car at all.
The way I see it, if you have a 140MPH speedo with a production date after July 1973.
It would indicate that they were still fitted after that date.
Late edit
I have checked a few things and I see that it was not a forced change
as such that made Holden change the speedos at this time.
What they were actually doing was part of a gradual change of the whole country to the metric system.
Even the road signs look to not have been changed until July 1974.
The point of all this is that Holden did not have to have them changed over on that date they just did it.
Which means if MPH speedos were fitted they were not breaking the law at all, so not a legal problem.
In my Sep 71,March 72 and Dec 72 HQ owners manuals they mention a 0-200kph speedo
So even as far back as 71 it was on the books.
The first mention of the dual speedos is in the June 73 Owners manual.
On checking a few of my speedos I found a 5/5/73 MPH one.
From the few I have with car build dates as well the speedos
seem to have around the 2 months turn over time for the units.
So if this is the case with this one it would have been fitted just after the change over date.
Anyway as I said before the answer is on your speedos themselfs.
Just check the date code.
I would be curious to see what the earliest kph speedo was that anyone has.
By the way I have a copy of Norms book and I think it is great.
I was fortunate enough to be mildly involved in the SS section.
From my involvement in this section I can say it was discussed by a minimum of four people,with knowledge/information on these cars.
So if anyone can tell me or show me anything that differs or is new to what is in the SS section.
Feel free to email me at
[email protected] Fantastic Work on the book Norm.
I really appreciate all the effort you put into it,
With out that effort we would not be discussing it here and even enjoying it as well. (Especially the SS section.)
Cheers Paul.
Edited by user Monday, 8 March 2010 12:05:01 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified