Originally posted by we wreck 81837s only
current new shape kluguer is detroit made, as will be the camry that is to be ceased made here, will be made in usa, and exported to australia
Sorry Frank, but the US Camry is assembled in Kentucky, not Detroit, and they only do LHD versions - our replacement will come from Thailand.
With the exception of GM/Ford/Chrysler, Detriot is no longer the key auto assembly region. Unions saw to that - they drove the labour price through the roof, to the point where factory workers were now earning more money than health care professionals, who 30 years ago would have earnt 3-4 times what that factory worker did.
This forced the more flexible auto makers to look elsewhere - GM sent a lot of stuff north, into Canada, and others went south - not always as far as Mexico - they only needed to head south of the Mason-Dixon line, where unions don't have the clout, and wages are far more realistic for the "skill" level involved.
This is why it's far cheaper to assemble a Camry in Kentucky, than Australia (and their internal quality checks continually show higher standards than Oz - but we're talking 0.1mm measurements of shut lines & the like, so the human eye would never be able to compare down to that level).
This will give you factual data on their median wages in Kentucky:
http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_ky.htm#51-0000Compare that $14-18/hour average in KY across most of the production jobs listed, to the $55/hour figure being thrown around as Detroit wages, and you can see why they went south.
BMW chose South Carolina for it's assembly plant for that very reason - it was not prepared to invest into a region where the unions held the car companies to ransom, effectively killing the business over time.