Hi all,
I am new to the forums, but have been around Monaro's my whole life - my Dad had his Monaro when I was born.
Anyway I'm helping Dad get it roadworthy as it has been in his garage 20 years we decided to get new master and slave cylinders for brakes and clutch. We bought a reconditioned big nut MC as Dad put a PBR MC in about 30 years ago.
We have a slight leak at the front outlet on this reconditioned big nut MC.
Dad reckons that the pipe seat (brass insert) in the reco' unit is the incorrect shape and is the cause of the leak. I am not so sure, as Dad has had some stories with the brakes over the years. So far I can tell you...
* HQ disc brakes installed up front (about 30 yr ago)
* PBR MC installed approx. 30 years ago, but recently replaced with reco'd HT big nut MC
* About 30yr ago auto engineer required a 'balancing valve' be installed between front and rear brakes as rear brakes were working too strongly. It was just there to reduce pressure to rear brakes
* The PBR MC never leaked, also the pipe seats have 'sharper' points and smaller outlet holes
* Dad noted that the big nut pipe seats were more rounded with larger outlet holes and was concerned it may leak
The flare nuts and lines were never changed. We have removed the 'balancer' between front/rear brakes (replaced the whole line from balancer all the way back).
Dad feels that the tube inserts on the reco'd big nut MC are incorrect, and that the inserts should be more like the PBR pipe seats. I have attached a photo of the PBR with pipe seats installed, and one of the pipe insert itself.
I have searched a lot about big nut MCs and read alot here today, I have already learned/noticed Dr Terry probably knows more about them than anyone else on earth, but hoping anyone can help!

Edited by user Tuesday, 6 February 2018 9:38:42 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified