Probably best to start another thread. Just remember though that there is no such thing as a "Series One" HK. GMH referred to the 327 engines as type 1 and type 2, or as I call them the US 327 (or Chevrolet 327) and the Canadian 327. Being 225-A though it will be close to having a Canadian engine, possibly just sneaks into the earlier cars. Rigpig here has an Elizabeth (I think it is an Elizabeth car) transition HK GTS327 with the Canadian 327 but built in December 1968.
If you don't have your original I wouldn't waste huge $ on getting the wrong engine for it though, you are looking for one of maybe 200 maximum ever put into a HK if you want the right assembly plant engine. If you find one you might be out of pocket $10-$15k just for a block, then all the rest just adds up on top of that. Don't be surprised if a carby costs you $15k either, but be aware of fakes around - saw one the other day. I'd avoid the hassle and just find period correct stuff, an identical block, heads and inlet to what was in a 327 but from a US vehicle will cost you $200 for the lot. A 7028213 carby will be less than $200 landed here, almost the same carby but built for 1968 model year rather than 1967. I picked up a US 7027213 DZ carby the other day for $75, only difference is it was built 2 weeks after the HK ones (so wrong date code).
Edit - did some more research for you.If the car is 225-A it is a Canadian 327, will be around April 1969. Chassis number will be up around HK50xxxAA, could possibly be HK50181AA or HK50235AA. The Body ID plate is probably a HT style plate too.
So you are looking for an Elizabeth stamped Canadian 327, which is a whole order or magnitude harder again as you are looking for one of maybe 70-90 engines ever made. Just finding a Canadian HK engine out of a car is impossible, let alone one from Elizabeth. I remember about 10 years ago Phil Bartolo rang me all excited that he had finally found a HK Canadian 327 actually out of a car (a Dandenong car). He had never had one, which shows you how hard to find they are. He was shocked I had a Pagewood engine out of a car too, and remember that between them Dandenong and Pagewood probably made 75-80% of these cars. If you are going original hopefully you have the heads as these are not easy to find. The intake is the same as a HT manual or auto but the casting date needs to be earlier. Exhaust manifolds are a mismatch, and the carbs are not easy to find either as they are unique to Australia, although a US 7029203 DY is pretty close to right, although a lot of these around in the USA are carter built Quadrajets and not Rochester, so the numbers are upside down and the date code is not a Julien code but done by month from memory.
Here is a Carter version of the same thing but a 1968 carby: that it really matters though as a Canadian HK 327 had no date code or broadcast sheet code just a unique number for Australia.
Edited by user 6 years ago
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