Hi guys looking for some help and info about automatic choke duration on a Stromberg 2 barrel fitted to a 69 HT 253 V8.
Nowhere in the workshop manuals will it state how long the choke must stay on, all it says is it is dependant of atmospheric temperature.
I am looking for peoples advice/opinion about choke duration especially mine.
Going by the temp gauge should the choke be switching off after the needle has passed the first marker on the temp gauge or should the choke stay on longer until needle reaches halfway?
My choke is staying on until the engine reaches its normal temp which is just past 180F. I feel the choke is staying on longer than it should. Is this too long for a 25 degree day?
I am also having other issues with the auto choke, as soon as I blip the throttle after start up whether it be 2 sec or 30 sec, the fast idle cam drops from 1st step (1500rpm) to 3rs step (900rpm) car stalls as cant maintain revs. It misses 2nd step completely on the fast idles cam. I have bent arms and made changes, but nothing fixs the issues. Have also replaced the thermos spring inside the housing and that has done nothing. I am also noticing a lot of black soot type on the ground from the exhaust, which indicates a lot of fuel being unburnt properly.
My engine is not happy and shaking at high rpm during start up, but once warm seems to perform ok.
So I am in a spot of bother and don’t know where to go from here, I am just wanting to learn so I am able to fix it myself in the future.
Any stromberg/Holden guru located in Adelaide that might be able to help me tune everything up
Edited by user 5 years ago
| Reason: Not specified