Originally Posted by: HK1837 
I think you missed my point. I was getting at a small part of your original post about GMH making the 202 better. The point was there was no point, in a Holden anyway as the 253 was there to fill that slot right up until the end of WB. What I said about the HQ GTS being dropped prior to volume production has to have come down to the 202S being in the same performance window as a 253 in a HQ and also in the upcoming LH. The 2850S was dropped from LJ GTR at the same time, and replaced with the only standard 6cyl engine GMH had with similar (same ballpark) performance in an LJ as a 2850S.
The Blue motor was all about that making claiming the 2.8L become what the 3.3L class once was and the 3.3L become what was the 4.2L class was and the 4.2L taking over as the 5.0L position. or at least that was the spin at the time and oh the 1.9L was going to become the top selling car Holden claimed.
Now could they fill such shoes ? well yes sort of but not truly. well maybe a single exhaust 4.2L red VB HZ vs a VC WB 3.3L.
Now I remember my first drive in a new WB 3.3L auto, I was very impressed 185KM/H well that's 4.2L stuff.
Well yes I do believe that the Torana LJ GTR with the stock 202 would out perform the LC 173S GTR, all over out shine that 173s.
I think for the time the LJ GTR stock 202 was a fast car for the average dude back in the day and the shit tyres that they had would make such a beast for sure.
As for the red 202 I think that if it went past the 135 gross HP and started pulling more revs well then the rod bolts would need up grading at least and the rods as well to be serious and they did that with the blue 3.3L.
As to the 186s or 173s or 161s the stroke was the same, but with the big stroke of the 202 well that puts more strain on the rods and bolts, that's one key point anyway. but say as to pos engines into a class as Holden did do, in regards to making a 138 red 6 for the Torana Aussie market shows such values are at play, as to power to weight typically.
Holden went to the trouble of making the red S 6 have stronger valve springs and all.
Then we can see that the S heads ports were not tampered with as a 161 or 173 or 186 may not really need such, but a big 202 would be restricted more so and not play out so well, to the little cam and std ports and valve size. that's another consideration and if Holden was to improve such well the added cost would play out badly and inflation was on the rise in 1972.
I am sure that a 202S would of ate into the 253 market at the time. but the cost of such a 202 to a 253 would be close, I would go the 253 in a HQ and go dual exhaust myself regardless.
253 and 308 v8'S can swim in water far better than the 6cyl the 6 is crap in water especially back in the days how the roads were. I use to drive through water for miles and my HG Premier was the king of such, never missed a beat, Ford V8's however have the dizzy up front so they are not that good for swimming in water.
I had a dude stuck on a flood plain road in a Toyota FJ 55 4X4 I pulled up and he asked if I had CRC, I said what's that

and took off going as fast as I could angel wings shooting up directly, that he could see me for 400m I wonder what he was thinking. haha.