Thanks for the response guys.
A bit of research and a look at the ID plates tells me its a 1979 Belmont, from the Adelaide plant.
A little confusing with all the add-ons.
A few more photos from after I picked it up.

A few concerning rust patches that I wasn't sure about. Whipped out the orbital and ripped into it, and managed to remove a majority of it.

Since then I have cleaned it up a little more, and primed the roof and cowl with a spray can of one pack epoxy etch primer.
Ran into a problem though, I've since found out that you can't bog over etch primer. So what is the best option for me? Can I shoot epoxy primer over the etch, and then bog over said epoxy?
Or will I have to rub the etch back off and start from scratch?
Trying to do a majority of it myself to save on the dollars, but I'm limited with what I can do. I only have a single car garage to work in, with not very many tools or supplies.
I have also removed all the hanging guards, such as the doors, guards, hood and nosecone.. I plan on sending them to be sandblasted, that's a cost I'm prepared to pay to save a lot of sanding.