Originally Posted by: HK1837 
Put it this way, the small 2BBL Rochester has 2 x 1.09" diameter verturis with a 1.25" SAE flange size and 1.44" throttle bore diameter.
The WW-2 Stromberg has two 1.188" venturis on the same 1.25" SAE flange with 1.44" throttle bore diameter.
Both are major restrictions on a 253 or a 308. It is a well known fact, and the 327/210 vs the 327/250 proves it. The old 283 2BBL used the same carby, and it picked up bulk hp and torque with a 4BBL.
Whomever told you that the L34 came with a different cam in the boot is full of it! If it did it'd need lifters too.
GMH never offered a bigger single, it was a single or dual with balance pipe.
The HJ cam is significantly bigger. Fred James states as much in his original report:
"For economic reasons we preferred, if possible, to retain the same camshaft as for the 253, After a number of tests we found that by retarding the camshaft by 5deg, we obtained our output targets without deteriorating idle quality. This expedient retained the event durations, overlap and overlap area factor, buy delayed the inlet valve closing. This delay was not sufficiently large to deteriorate the low end torque, but was sufficient to get the high end hp we aimed for. However, the development potential of the engine remains considerable;e as our subsequent experimental work has shown that remarkable top end power increases can be obtained without an appreciable low end torque loss just by cam changes alone".
Fred is talking about the HJ cam and other tested cams in that last sentence. The HJ cam part number is consistent with that development period. It is simply the GM GP hydraulic profile ground on a Holden cam casting. Sure the 253/308 has slighty less lifter lift as it uses 1.6 rockers instead of the SBC's 1.5. But its the same profile, same timing, same overlap, same lobe centre. The differences are obvious, all at 4thou I believe:
27 63 270 71 19 270 (46 overlap), 400/400 thou lift 253
32 58 270 76 14 270 (46 overlap), 400/400 thou lift 308
28 72 280 78 30 288 (58 overlap), 400/400 thou lift 5.0L
28 72 280 78 30 288 (58 overlap), 390/410 thou lift SBC GP
I agree, torque curve is important, I only detailed power above, too much work to do torque too but it also increases in the HJ.
Agree, XY GT-HO is about 330hp, when you plug in its weight plus two people and the test figures of new ones you get between 325-335hp, with teh rev limiter in place.
When measuring the cam timing from Holden's perspective points is one thing and if we were to look at such from say the old standard of 0.006 or the new 0.050 would be interesting.
What I see in this is a HT-G-Q 308 intake is 32/58 and HJ 28/72. now the later duration needs more static compression to keep it on par volume efficiency that's why the move from 9.0:1 became 9.7:1 and this later duration helps it rev more higher by rights. so if we made it 33/67 would make more torque by rights and gain the more performance out of such a small cam. I would advance this cam to make the best of it.
Now as to the exhaust duration well what happens by rights is that closing such later from 14 to 30 makes not much difference but for such will put more heat into the exhaust, it was done as a pre cat converter thing so as to burn more fuel in the exhaust.
We could see a advertised cam saying 30/70 intake and then look at another and another that says the same but they are not the same at all even if they are measured a the same rate on just that one point alone, not to mention all the rest are claimed the same readings, but they are not truly the same thing. if you change the lift you change things on the ramps.
On a dual cam you can play with the intake and exhaust timing so you can work some magic with such a setup tuning such giving more to play with in such a tune. so I could advance my intake and retard my exhaust timing or narrow both down retard the in and adv the exh and feel the difference but playing with the intake makes the biggest difference by rights.
As for 1/4 mile HP what is that based on Gross HP figures or Net, the GT-HO P3 best was 350hp net in race trim that could be about 400hp in gross figures or maybe 420hp.
Most driven on the street were anything maybe flat out making 300hp net, 350hp gross.
What did a GTS350 and GT 4V 351 make around 222hprw.
280hprw = about 350hp net ?
A stock XB GT made 215hp net, and a XB 351 2v with the 350CFM 2 BBL carter made 183hp net that's with dual exhaust but you jump 32hp with the big 4 BBL carby on this but where is the advantage of the big carby only up top in the rev range does it count.
XD 5.8lL with single exhaust makes 198hp DIN.
The VK SS Group A had a single exhaust tip out the arse, I never said it was a single system.
The VK SS came with dual pipes out the arse end but not the VK SS Group A that I remember seeing back when they were new. old mates at the pub shore the hell was a big single at the rear and it was brand new. and the red VL SS Group A he had was as well, only smaller diameter than the blue Group A had. maybe a 2 1/2 and the blue was 3in. both had a resonator, it was not just a piss pipe.
I am sure that Blue VK SS Group A resonator was stainless steel it was shining like but his VL was not. I thought they were both Brock Commodores.